Friday, May 22, 2009


Spirituality, I think, is one of the most essential ingredients, if one wants to keep his sanity of mind, and not degrade his character or principles which we all believed in before stepping into this side...

Have you ever sat down, and done an introspection and analysis of what all has happened to you and your life.. after you became active in this scene? or what changes have entered your life , after all these things..

Reflecting on my own experiences, my stupidity, my intelligence, and at what all happened to me.. i guess, it has been more filled with things, than ever before, and at the same time, a feeling of eternal emptiness filling me inside.. making me feel worthless and a low sense of self esteem..

Gay world is a bitchy world.. Everyone sleeps with everyone mostly.. Everyone falls in love with someone .. Someone betrays always.. one will surely bitch about you .. many will again add sugar and spice to it... and everyone will hear... many will always believe it.. someone wont./..rarely....
Noone will be at your side sometime... You'll cry, all alone..

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. It can only be developed and strengtheened in trial and suffering". Helen Keller has rightly said... is it? That is , if you have go9t strrong nerves take it.. . some dont; and take a direct road to ending their own lives....

sometimes, i think, isnt it better to end all this? To end , and get over it.. fininsh it in one go..
But, then, what good would it do? to my parents? To my teachers.. to my fa,mily >? to my friends, one or two they maybe , who can die for me.. i am responsible to them..

Its not a matter of responsibility also, on thinking deeper.. it's ;like climbing the hill... Past... To forget it and forgive your ownself , and others who has wronged you... even to the extent of defaming you in thwe whole town.. i guess, still you must be strong enough to undergo this excruciating Herculean task...

For in victory, man grows.. "Strength is Life, weakness, death." Swami Vivekananda...

And moreover, we must not be ostriches... who put their heads in holes,... when they see imminent danger .. .

All of us have our own heartbreaks.. own hurts.. , but it lies in the greater nature of man, to try to overcome it... Our eyes are placed in front of our head, our nose in front.. so that we can see New, breathe New.. feel New, and also , live New .. it's higher wisdom to be detached in bliss.. to be in equanimity in any situation.. To remember that whatever my problem is, i am bigger than it .. is the right way..

A life has various aspects.. Sexuality, Emotions, Mental, Intellyectual, Psychological... is a part of it.. Spiritual is a higher part of it..

Guess, we should all rise higher..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

YouRGuideTo 10 Most Daring KISSES :-) -- Series I

Series I


10 Most Daring Kisses

With, At, When ... in Delhi and Chandigarh :-)

(P.S. : Of course, some groundwork has been done to prove it! :P )

  1. With a stranger, at McDonalds, ISBT, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, 11 am
  2. With a just-met date, inside Metro, DMRC, when the metro stops at last stop around 12 noon ( it was actually taped, we forgot to get off the train, and the guy on the radio literally screamed, "stop thinking to go further.. get off. the last station has arrived )
  3. With a chef, inside the kitchen, Taj just before your birthday celebration...
  4. With a hooker, @ P n P, 1 am, middle of the party ( or Down Under, HM, Sec 17, Chd, on 31st December, .. even the str8 crowd is there :P )
  5. With a college fellow, behind the shrine of temple, at 6 pm
  6. With a college faculty, inside library, between two bookshelves, at 5.10 pm
  7. With a complete unknown person, in the forested area of sec 43, near ISBT, Chandigarh, at 11 pm
  8. With a date, in Sec 17, in front of the Fountain, ( Gay's Joint) at 11.30 am
  9. With a sexy flight attendent on an international flight, just behind the lavatory (where's their place for them), of course, during flight timings ( most of the ppl were watching movie.. and we just had a scotch and wine, and were in a little high .. P )
  10. Yea, not to forget, my bedroom, with someone , sometime, in college, as well as in my home :P ( keep guessing.. lol.. everyone near me was .. a little suspicious... that was the most fun... )

XOXO :) ... a compiled guide for you :P muaahh !

XOXO :) ... a compiled guide for you :P
(with pics :) )

muaahh !

ny comments, guys ???

Friday, May 1, 2009

To My Ex :-)

All the lies,
All the answers,

The truth still lives on,
Inside me,
Chopping me
like an axe.

In my conscience
I feel
the guilt
of my love

Of my love
that was you,
that you stifled.

I dont want you
back in my life
you never did and never will
deserve my love.

from Honor and character
you went to
candour and boast
to the lies all so heavy

accepting cards of love from others,
on your birthday...
how can you make love to me?
how can i make love to you?

you were never there
when i needed you
now that everything's over,
suddenly i become your need?

just know one last thing
i'll break this love
i'll break this heart
and i'll wipe myself clean of your every touch.

just know this
straying and betraying
are two different things
had you strayed, you would have never broken my home.

just know this
i'll never forget a betrayal
and a betrayal that was you
and i promise you, i wont have a second one.

just know this,
i am not the kinds
to stay
when it's time to leave and say, "Good-bye"!

P.S. -- it's just the title is the title. nothing intended :P