Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love: A Reflection

Love is a cruel emotion

It has no feeling, no regard,

It will break your heart

Like a twig in two.

How can I forget you, my love?

You were the Only Truth for me

You were the incarnate divine

How can I forget you, my love?

Life's heart is you,

Its blood, its veins

And now that you've left

All's there but everything.

How can I lift this veil

This golden veil of your memories

And this is the veil

Now, that made me blind and stifled my breath...

Still, wudn't I rather die of your memories,

Than to lift this ethereal illusion, This indecisiveness...

Love, alas is a mirror, with both sides silvered

Tearing mind and heart apart, being the greatest illusionist.