Met so many guys. From nook and corner of the world. literally. Why it doesn't work out?
A question that runs in my mind. Always. Is it my fault? Or is it so hard to find a great guy to settle down with?
My recent dates with an american and an indian who came over to visit me ended in a disaster. They both visited me for 4 - 5 days. And after day 2, could not wait for them to leave.
Right now, I am with someone as we talk. It feels stifling, to find out that that someone whom you thought was fun, turns out to be kiddish.
what keeps me sane is the hope that I can learn something from these epic disasters. Some of them were my mistakes, and most of them was moving too fast to go ahead to think that these guys were dateable.
'I've come to Cambridge to meet you.'
'I want to get picked up at the club tonight. Hope it's okay.'
'tdak. tdak. tdak.' Grindr continuously buzzes. He goes wearing my shoes, traveling on my t pass, wearing my cologne, to fuck around with someone who asks me to cuddle with him.
Funny. The world is right round. Right, it is.