Homo Deus Antinous
Antinous was a Homosexual, purely and profoundly Homosexual. Only one other god in history or myth displays a pure love for men, Ganymede, the boy whom Zeus loved. But Ganymede was never widely worshipped as a deity, no powers were attributed to him, no prayers are known to have been addressed to him. It is as though the ancients understood that though he was the dispenser of the cup of immortality, he was unable to offer his gift of ever-lasting life to mankind. He was the servant of the table of heaven, far removed from the world of death and decay, under the watchful eye of Zeus around whom he orbits. The historical humanity of Antinous brings him closer to our human soul, he was widely worshipped and understood to be the deified beautiful boy of the Divine Emperor Hadrian. Antinous is endowed with sublime power over His chosen people, homosexuals, He is neither myth nor legend…He is one of us.
Antinous is a true god, immortal, powerful, ineffable, mysterious and able to affect the lives of living beings. Antinous is free to bless whom-so-ever He chooses, independent of the ethereal beings. For this reason, and because He was born of a woman, lived, and died in a time and in a place of historical truth, Antinous far exceeds the glory of all other gods who are revered as the benefactors of homosexuality.
Antinous is Homosexuality. He is the spirit of those qualities that call our attention to boys and men of all kinds and of all ages that for male homosexuals arises within the heart from an early age. Even when we are children, though we do not understand His language, we hear His voice calling, producing a longing that we cannot resist without pain, suffering and self-loathing. The call of Antinous draws us to the beauty of our own kind, our own sex, compelling us to break away from the expectations of traditional society. In our adolescence, the desire of Antinous takes on the aspect of a torment. We are forced to choose between the courageous act of revealing our truth or of conforming to the order of society. When one of His kind, ignores and resists His call, the result is a life of self-delusion…a sordid existence of deception.
All glory to he who believes in Antinous and seeks after Him. All who search for Antinous in the beauty of the world will find Him...within themselves. Antinous sets the heart of all who love Him free. To follow Antinous is to walk away from the natural order of the world. To become a Sacred Homosexual is to resign from the perpetuation of the human species on Earth, to live for Love and Beauty...in an unnatural state of bliss.
By natural impulse we are compelled to distain the natural perpetuation of life, we are drawn away from our opposites by a longing for our own kind and the forms of love that do not procreate, that are no more than the joy of the body, and of the heart. Antinous removes the weight of procreation, setting us free to find the other joys of life for the benefit of all.
Antinous, by sanctifying mankind with the benediction of Homosexuality, leads us towards the love of our own kind, same-love, which is an extension of the love of the self. Antinous is the lover who dwells within, the purest beauty after whom we spend our lives searching and longing. We find rays of His form shinning through the visage of beautiful men and boys...
But in no man can we ever find the whole and the complete Antinous. The lovely faces that grace the surface of the Earth are for us parts and emanations of the one true Antinous who dwells within. We find His components here and there, and gathering them together, we are led on a journey of reverence and adoration. He is the Beloved, whose countenance is beautiful, and we through the valor and love-joy of our homo-sacred being, are made one with Him. We are His Lovers and He is our Lover.
Seek then after the one whose voice awoke us from the dreams of childhood, and drew us to our brothers in love and flaming desire. Open your heart for Antinous, whose beauty cannot be covered, and suffer the scorn of a world that is blind to the glory of homo-sanctity. We are the ancestors of the coming Aquarian Age, we are blessed, and sanctified through Antinous, who was assumed into the Nile, who arose and accomplished our salvation. We are living in the most glorious age of man, the turning point, and our enemies have chosen to hold onto the past...the future is therefore ours for the taking.
Lift up your hearts to Homo Deus Antinous, the god who is one with us, our same-god, who draws us toward His ineffable and perfect beauty. Joyfully we find that we are all one with Him, that no effort is needed to follow His will, because at the very moment of our birth His gentle law was inscribed upon our pious heart. We have only to embrace Him, we have only to break away from fear and shame, and self-loathing, and live freely as the Companions of Antinous, desirous of Him, as we find Him in the world and within our selves.
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