Tuesday, May 5, 2009

YouRGuideTo 10 Most Daring KISSES :-) -- Series I

Series I


10 Most Daring Kisses

With, At, When ... in Delhi and Chandigarh :-)

(P.S. : Of course, some groundwork has been done to prove it! :P )

  1. With a stranger, at McDonalds, ISBT, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, 11 am
  2. With a just-met date, inside Metro, DMRC, when the metro stops at last stop around 12 noon ( it was actually taped, we forgot to get off the train, and the guy on the radio literally screamed, "stop thinking to go further.. get off. the last station has arrived )
  3. With a chef, inside the kitchen, Taj just before your birthday celebration...
  4. With a hooker, @ P n P, 1 am, middle of the party ( or Down Under, HM, Sec 17, Chd, on 31st December, .. even the str8 crowd is there :P )
  5. With a college fellow, behind the shrine of temple, at 6 pm
  6. With a college faculty, inside library, between two bookshelves, at 5.10 pm
  7. With a complete unknown person, in the forested area of sec 43, near ISBT, Chandigarh, at 11 pm
  8. With a date, in Sec 17, in front of the Fountain, ( Gay's Joint) at 11.30 am
  9. With a sexy flight attendent on an international flight, just behind the lavatory (where's their place for them), of course, during flight timings ( most of the ppl were watching movie.. and we just had a scotch and wine, and were in a little high .. P )
  10. Yea, not to forget, my bedroom, with someone , sometime, in college, as well as in my home :P ( keep guessing.. lol.. everyone near me was .. a little suspicious... that was the most fun... )

XOXO :) ... a compiled guide for you :P muaahh !

XOXO :) ... a compiled guide for you :P
(with pics :) )

muaahh !

ny comments, guys ???


Unknown said...

really... hv u done tht all....
if this is d case kudos...

i hv done jst one...last one.. wid someone in my bedroom..home...lol

The Vice Buddha said...

Bah!! :|

No one has kissed yoo like I have :/

* Yawn *

It might not be daring... but it was good.

Admit it, bytch :P

anand said...

kool things u hv done dude

G Guy said...

@ vice Buddha..


b*tch .. you are one.. definitely..


it was so dark smooching you .,

but honestly, ours was a platonic one, rather than passionate..

this was on passionate ones..

mwah.. feel like kissin you and holding you right now..

Harman J Singh said...

well i have had a better and more daring set of em.....will let you have experiences of few actually daring kisses in real when we meet.

arohan said...
